Posts Who should and should not be included in a sprint retrospective A lot of things can go wrong in software development and even if the Scrum team had a good sprint, there are always a lot of opportunities to improve. The team should set
Posts Our list of remote work tools Here is a list of remote tools we use at EasyRetro. It’s not a definitive list but a list of tools we tried and like to use. Remote work is growing every day
Posts What are smart goals Far too many projects fail due to a lack of clarity. How do you get to your destination if you are not 100% clear on where you are going? Many teams struggle for
Posts O que é uma retrospectiva de sprint? Grandes equipes estão sempre crescendo e melhorando. No entanto, o crescimento e a melhoria constante não pode acontecer sem antes se ter uma pausa e refletir sobre o trabalho que a equipe já
Posts Ideas to make your retrospective more fun The sprint retrospective is held at the end of every sprint and follows the review meeting. The idea behind the retros is to discuss what went well, what went wrong, and how to
Posts How EasyRetro adapted to GDPR After a couple of months trying to understand GDPR and adapting EasyRetro to it, that’s the summary of things I learned in the process.